Professional English-/Chinese-Japanese Quality Translation & MTPE (Machine Translation Post Editing) Services Available at Fair Prices

Our professional, experienced staff at the Sunup Translation Service Office (the “Office”), making a range of quality translation services available to potential customers like you at fair prices, is eager and ready to address your translation needs in a wide spectrum of fields from B2C (personal) to B2B (business) relations.

Typically, B2C translation relates to certificates, family registers or visas, bank account registers, etc., whereas B2B one covers instruction manuals or specs for industrial and medical equipment, contractual documents, technical or IT-related things (among other thing, website localization) and more.

A trial offer or order is available at a reduced price; so, we welcome customers who would want to make a request for a very small amount of work, before placing a formal order with us, to assess the finished quality of the work done by us. The Office is also willing to prepare quotes for prospective customers for free. Why don’t you ask for a quote on your potential service order now? In so doing, please let us know if you have any preference or request regarding that service order.

A big bridge looking as if floating in water

Bridging language gaps across the globe

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Table of Contents

  1. Fair-Priced Quality Services
    • Translation
    • MTPE – Light & Full
    • Other Services
  2. Service Fees & Order Process Flowchart
    1. Service Fees
    2. Order Process Flowchart
    3. Other (Turnaround Time, Payment Method, CAT Tool)
  3. Track Record
  4. Privacy & Other Policies/Notices

1. Fair-Priced Quality Services

Translation & Proofreading

Alphabet character dices composing the English word "EXPLORE"

MTPE – Full & Light

Alphabet character dices composing the English word "LOVE"

Other Services

2. Service Fees & Order Process Flowchart

i. Service Fees

Service option*1Service rate
(JPY or more per word/char)
Proofreading rate (JPY or more per word/char)
English → Japanese:12.0 (including simple check)3.0/6.0 (cross / native check)
Japanese → English:8.0 (including simple check)2.0/5.0 (cross / native check)
Chinese → Japanese:8.02.0/5.0 (cross / native check)
Japanese → Chinese:7.02.0/5.0 (cross / native check)
Light MTPE (E<->J / C<->J):7.0 (E->J)
4.0 (J->E)
5.0 (C->J)
4.0 (J->C)
Full MTPE (E<->J / C<->J):9.0 (E->J)
6.0 (J->E)
7.0 (C->J)
6.0 (J->C)
Proofreading of customer-translated text:6.0 (J<->E or C)Selectable
Voice-to-text transcription or hourly paid job:E or J speech: 400/minute
E->J translation: 11.0
J->E translation: 7.0
Hourly paid job: 2600/hour

*1: each list price can change depending on the source text’s nature, difficulty level or volume.

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ii. Order Process Flowchart

A big modern bridge standing out against the morning light

Contact or Inquiry (Your or Customer’s Part)

Please feel free to contact us, inquire about our service, or request a quote, to see if there is anything we can do to help you. We shall try to get back to you promptly.


Free Quote (Our Part)

In response to your contact or inquiry details, or quote request, we will prepare, if you like, a free quote for you, which should contain such information as a quoted price and turnaround time for your desired or relevant service. Please take note that without any reasonable grounds, you will NOT get charged a higher price than what is quoted.

Order Placement (Your Part)

Upon receipt of the free quote from us, you will be asked whether to accept the quote. Of course, you may choose to place a formal order with us for the service on the condition that, let’s say, we sign a non-disclosure agreement with you.

Service Provision and Delivery (Our Part)

We will perform the service. To help us ensure service quality, you may be asked to answer some questions that we might come across while processing your order or rendering the service. Upon completion of the service, we send the deliverable to you.

Confirmation (Your Part)

Should a question or query arise after you take delivery of and inspect the deliverable, please reach us by email at the following address ( We shall study your question or query and then amend the deliverable, if necessary, for free.

Invoice (Our Part)

An invoice will be sent to you upon your acceptance of the deliverable (please be aware that it is deemed accepted two weeks after delivery unless you notify us otherwise).

Payment (Your Part)

Once you have inspected and accepted the deliverable, please pay the amount of the service fee for which you would be supposed to be billed by e-mail or mail following your acceptance of the deliverable

iii. Other (Turnaround Time, Payment Method, CAT Tool)

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A little girl at the moment of jumping in the air for joy on a

3. Track Record

A big iron bridge standing out against the morning light

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4. Privacy & Other Policies/Notices

The Office promises to adhere to Japanese personal information protection laws/acts and other related laws/regulations, as well as to handle customers’ personal information properly and safely under its privacy policies listed below.

1. Submission of personal information

In order for a customer to use a desired service provided by the Office, the customer may be asked to submit their personal information to the Office to the minimum extent necessary to enable it to render the service. The Office ensures that it properly retains and treats the personal information it has gathered from them for operational reasons or purposes.

2. Use of personal information

The Office shall not use the personal information that it has collected or obtained from a customer without their prior consent, and shall properly use it only for the purposes listed below:

  • To reply to inquiries from them;
  • To deliver its services; and
  • To perform analyses, etc., necessary for improving its website and services.

3. Provision of personal information to a third party

Unless otherwise required by such a law as the relevant personal information protection act, the Office shall not provide or impart the personal information entrusted to it by a customer to any third party without the customer’s prior permission.

4. Disclosure, modification, or deletion of personal information

If a customer requests the Office to disclose, modify, or delete their own personal information, on their behalf, that it has on hand, it shall do so, accordingly, upon confirmation of the identity of the requester/customer.

5. Management of personal information

The Office shall meticulously and properly manage the personal information that a customer has entrusted to it to protect their personal information from unauthorized access, accidental loss, and/or leakage.

6. Change, deletion, and modification of the privacy policy

The information described herein is subject to change, deletion, or modification without prior notice.

7. Web analytics tool used

With a view to analyzing, measuring, and improving its website performance, the Office uses “Google Analytics,” a web analytics tool offered by Google, for its website. This Google Analytics makes use of cookies to collect traffic data for analytics. Traffic data is gathered anonymously so it does not by itself identify any individual. Given the option of declining that collection, a customer may disable or reject cookies by changing their browser settings, if they choose not to accept cookies. [Please check your browser settings if you prefer to reject cookies. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.]

8. Disclaimer

The Office strives to ensure that the information described or contained in its website is as correct or accurate as possible, but cannot guarantee that the information is correct or accurate in its entirety. Please be aware that in no event shall the Office be held liable for any claim, loss, or damage whatsoever caused by the information described or contained on its website.

9. Customer’s agreement to the privacy policy

By using this website, a customer is deemed to have agreed to these privacy policies described herein regarding the handling of their personal information by the Office or its website. Please note, moreover, that you shall hold yourself accountable for your use of the website.

10. Payment due date

The Office is willing to allow a customer to inspect a translation delivered to them before they accept the delivery of the translation. Upon written confirmation of acceptance of the deliverable by the customer, the Office will send a payment bill to them that is due by the end of the month following the month in which the bill reaches them. Please take note, however, that, in the case of a high-volume translation project or the like, the customer may be asked to pay part of the translation fee in advance, and also that the transfer and other related fees shall be borne by the customer.

11. Liability for damages (liability cap) and cancellation

The Office strives to faithfully enter into and execute a service agreement/contract with a customer, as well as to carry out the service, accordingly, as correctly or accurately as possible. However, please be aware that even when the customer suffers damages as a consequence of the service (e.g., a mistranslation) provided by the Office, in connection with the Office’s contract performance, or due to the Office’s failure to perform an obligation of the agreement, the Office’s liability for the damages shall be limited to the amount of the translation fee paid under the agreement. In addition, please note that where a customer places an order with the Office for a translation and then cancels the order halfway through the translation process, the customer may be charged the original translation fee on a pro-rata basis according to the progress made in the translation process.

12. Due date for return

The Office shall correct any error or flaw that a customer has identified from a deliverable immediately upon request from the customer, provided that such a request should be in principle made within two (2) weeks after their receipt of the deliverable.

For any inquiries or questions, please use the “Contact Us” button below to get in touch with us. Or, you may send an inquiry email directly to our e-mail address ( There is also the quote request form (the “Free Quote” button below) available to requet and receive a free quotation from us.

A red iron bridge spanning across the ocean